Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What DO they wear under those kilts?

Well we haven't been brave enough to try to find out what they wear under the kilts, but we are now in Scotland! We arrived just over an hour late and had some problems finding the grandparents house since we arrived and realized we had forgotten to bring their phone number or house number.... whoops... but we made an emergency call to my parents and got the info we needed and then we were on our way! We arrived at their house around 7:45pm and promptly all hurried out to the local Indian for some curry - it was fantastic!!!! (I have missed 'real' Indian food and poppadoms SO much!) We had everything from onion bahjis to chicken jalfrezi and naan. All of the food was excellent and there was so much of it we just couldn't get through it as much as we tried!! After a couple of hours of gorging ourselves we stumbled back to their house and stayed up until 1:30am talking and planning, before collapsing.

This morning we headed out to Edinburgh after a late breakfast. We navigated our way to the city center and parked by the train station, this turned out to be not too too far from the tourist information center, so we headed in to figure out the best plan of attack! Edinburgh is pretty huge, so we ended up buying a 24 hour bus pass and taking an open top tour of the city - it was beautiful. The palace and castle were huge and impressive, and there were so many famous spots (the place where Sean Connery was born, Greyfriar Bobby's Bar and Graveyard, the coffee shop where J.k.Rawling wrote the first Harry Potter book and the school that she based Hogwort's on, the home of Alexander Graham Bell , and so on... The tour guide was great, and we were amazed and overwhelmed! The only surprisingly hideous part of Edinburgh were the houses of parliament which were a fairly modern disaster!!! After the hour tour we jumped off and grabbed sandwiches and tea, and then got back on the bus on a later trip. We got off at the bottom of the hill near Edinburgh Castle, and headed up to explore. It is HUGE. We walked around for hours in an attempt to see it all, it really is a vast and impressive castle with building upon beautiful building, and of course the crown jewels which were stunning! Finally we headed down to the car, passing by the gardens and princess street.

By the time we got back it was about 7pm and Gran had cooked lasagna, so we ate dinner and then headed to Asda to pick up some essentials (Asda we discovered is walmart incognito - a little scary, but more affordable than other places!). When we got back we all watched a video of the military tattoo that is held at Edinburgh castle every year - it looks incredible, and apparently the tickets sell out the day they are on sale every year, but it was really cool to see past highlights, especially after walking around where it takes place!

After making a hotel reservation for tomorrow night in Inverness we are heading to bed so we can get a reasonably early start in the morning!

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