Sunday, April 22, 2007

Frights and Feasts

We started off with an early morning, a quick breakfast and we headed out to drive around the Ring of Kerry. Let's just say small windy roads and rain storms with alot of fog and low visibilty do not mix!!! The ring of Kerry is a 4 hour drive around the whole county of Kerry (which is on the coast). There were some pretty coast lines, but not four hours worth, and in the rain... well... it just wasnt really worth it. We had fun, and did snap some semi-respectible photos - but all in all it was pretty stressful trying to stay on the road and not bust a tire on the worn down roads! After leaving the Kerry we headed to lunch at a local pub and then up north to Bunratty. The castle was pretty impressive from the outside, but very much a tourist trap inside, with staged gated rooms and plentiful souveneer shops! It was still fun to look around, and we even ran into some chickens and peacocks! We hit the 24 hour grocery store this afternoon also to stock up on snacks for our big drive tomorrow, hula hoops, lion bars, buttons, aero's and I even found a bottle of bitter lemon!!! YUM!

We decided to sign up for the Medeval feast in the evening since our hotel was nearby (we prebooked the Travelodge, as all B&B's here charge per person, not per room, and end up being more than the Travelodge internet rate! The feast was pretty funny, lots of harp playing and singing and a crazy four course meal to be eaten with your hands (I did however manage to snag a fork since I was offered melon instead of ribs by a merciful girl!). We met a great couple from around the boston area and spent the dinner and entertainment hours talking to them. When all is said and done it was a bit of a loopy day, but ended on a high note!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You going to County Cork? My mom just found out our family (McCoy) is from there. Ancestors immigrated after the famine...

Imagining you and Geoff at a medieval feast is a little amusing. I was kind of picturing Jim Carrey from the cable guy...