Sunday, April 29, 2007

Scrub a dub dub

This morning we woke up a little late, so we headed straight to the Roman Bath's, it was a beautiful, we took an audio tour around all the chambers, and looked at the original baths, mosaics and statues. It is really amazing to see how much has survived! The bath's were right next to Bath Abbey, so we walked around that afterwards and then had lunch at a local cafe.

After lunch we jumped on the city sightseeing tour bus to see all the hot spots in bath including Pulteney Bridge, Royal Victoria Park, the Jane Austen Center, the Heritage Vaults, Prior Park, and the Royal Crescent. All of the parks were in full bloom and the buildings were gorgeous. We got off at Pulteney Bridge at the end of the tour to take some closer pictures and walk along the river bank. We stopped at an Internet cafe and booked our hotel for the evening and then headed out for the half hour drive to Frome to find it. Once we were there we discovered that the only place to eat was the restaurant hotel, so we ended up heading back to bath to grab some pizza - since neither of us was hungry for a big meal.

When we got back Geoff had a temperature and was not feeling well at all, so we pumped him full of water and sent him to bed with two aspirin. Luckily he is feeling better this morning, so we think it is just dehydration.

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